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"I can say with great sincerity that there are fewer people who care and make the effort to better their community than Lisa Vergara. With a level of dedication and commitment aligned with a remarkable work ethic, Ms. Vergara lives to serve. From supplying toiletries to families who are less fortunate, to gifting hundreds of bikes to children who can’t afford them, to giving away tens of thousands of books to kids in need, Lisa and Storytime Crafts, has changed the lives of countless children and families. Her level of goodwill makes her a superhero in a time when it is needed the most. She is worthy of all the praise, accolades and support given to her."

-- Ty Allan Jackson, Award-winning children’s book author, literacy advocate, and captivating motivational speaker

"A to Z began its partnership with Storytime Crafts during the new school year of 2020. After the pandemic closure, it was important for A to Z to teach children common core values of humility and kindness.  Storytime's "BE KIND" craft kits were the perfect liaison to A to Z's statement of purpose to attract families who wish to raise considerate, caring, and humble future leaders.  Especially during such an uncertain period with so much fear, it was a beautiful partnership to remind of the importance of humanity and togetherness. 

     Storytime Craft's continued mission to spread literacy and kindness within the community led to another partnership in June, 2021 with the installation of a Little Free Library at Haynes Early Education Center in Roxbury, MA.  The volume of literature A to Z's families immediately donated exemplified the community building Storytime Craft aspires to and the connection different towns can have for reading. Storytime Crafts continued generosity and donations led to this Little Free Library to be broadcast on Chronicle Channel 5.  Since then, the Little Free Library has flourished to allow for the Haynes EEC a multitude of books.

     Throughout these years, A to Z and Storytime Crafts have strengthened their commitment to low-income families and children through donation drives and local family involvement. Both located in Needham, MA, A to Z's partnership with Storytime Crafts has been a remarkable and loving connection, revitalizing humane conduct that must withstand socio-economic hardships and turmoil.  It has been a privilege and pleasure to work so strongly side by side, and to work hard to continue to ignite the glowing feeling of helping others. Thank you Storytime Crafts for your welcoming and accessible connection to better and help our world!"

-- Eileen J. Rakhunov, Director/Owner, A to Z Childcare and Preschool

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"As one of the Temple Beth Shalom team, I was delighted by the Lifting Literacy presentation. And, I am so appreciative of the work you continue to do."

-- Harriet Goldin (one of the organizers of TBS Lifting Literacy Project) and President, Goldin Foundation for Excellence in Education

"Storytime Crafts founder Lisa Vergara of Needham, MA, is an impactful nonprofit leader. Storytime Crafts has a clear mission and purpose of creating diverse book-rich environments for children. Ms. Vergara has assembled talented and skilled volunteers dedicated to supporting the organization’s grassroots literacy initiative.

     The ratio of program expenses to total expenses is such that a donor can rest assured that their donation will go as far as possible.

     Ms. Vergara has displayed an ability to inspire and engage volunteers and constituents/members as passionate partners and spokespersons. Further, Ms. Vergara has shown a willingness to partner with other nonprofits working to address the same issues, regarding those organizations as allies as opposed to competitors.

     Accordingly, I am pleased to be a partner with Storytime Crafts."

-- Lennox Chase, Chase Legal Services

"Storytime Crafts led by the peerless Lisa Vergara is doing incredible and important work. As a founding school librarian at the Ellis K-6 school in Roxbury, I was able to not only open a library for the very first time for our students, but I was also able to provide beautiful resources and FREE books for our students to take home when they also checked out a library book for the very first time.

     The games and furniture that were also supplied have helped make the previously empty space feel like an actual library that students LOVE to visit. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid crafted chair and framed puzzle donated have been some major highlights for the kids!!

    Lisa's generous donation also provided books and prizes for our family Literacy Night so truly, her donation has been the gift that keeps on giving! Thank you for EVERYTHING, Storytime Crafts and Fidelity Bank!"

-- Siri Carr, School Librarian, David A. Ellis Elementary School, Roxbury

"I was overjoyed with Lisa’s visit to the Abraham Lincoln School in Revere.  I reached out to her after seeing a post on Facebook. She contacted me immediately and quickly set up a date and brought COUNTLESS number of books and games to our school.  In addition, she brought a beautiful crafted chair, The Snowy Day, and a read aloud took place with students. Our students loved it. They still talk about “the time we had a free book fair”.  

     The more access children have to print the better readers they will become.  The fact that Lisa provides books to children free of charge not only unlocks countless opportunities for them to read and learn new vocabulary; but what Lisa’s doing will spark the love of reading for children, and that will put the world at their fingertips!"

-- Megan Magoon, 3rd grade teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, Revere, MA

"We are incredibly grateful to partner with you. The love and care of you and your volunteers are so clear and means a great deal to all the children, families, and patients we support at Dimock. In less than one year, Storytime Crafts and your many other partners have had a visible impact on our Dimock community."

-- Raquel Rosenblatt, Chief Development Officer, The Dimock Center

Greetings from the YMCA of Greater Boston!

I am thrilled to add my voice to the chorus singing the praises of Storytime Crafts and Lisa Vergara! I was introduced to Lisa by my Y colleague Claire Kaiser, as someone that I must meet. Lisa was described as a literal connection to all things literary in Greater Boston. And man, was Claire right.

     Lisa and I talked on the phone and established an immediate connection as well as a passion for bringing the love of books to the communities of Boston. Within weeks with the support of the Sham Family, the Raskin Family, the Martin Richard Foundation and Lemon House Publishing, we had Little Libraries at our Y’s in Hyde Park, Roxbury, Dorchester and Roslindale.

     The experience has been wonderful and the joy that the Little Libraries have brought to our families has been immeasurable. Lisa and Storytime Crafts deserve all the accolades and support that come their way and then some. With much appreciation and gratitude.

-- Kathryn Saunders, Executive Director, Roxbury/Menino YMCA

"Storytime Crafts, created by Lisa Vergara, to promote literacy through acts of kindness throughout the community continues to impact the lives of many . Lisa’s outstanding artistic and creative talents along with her unbridled enthusiasm, energy, devotion, and direction are truly awe inspiring. She is a wonderful role model for the many young student volunteers who participate on her activities. It is truly an honor to support her in her missions as she helps change lives in such a very positive way."

-- J Kenneth Davison. MD, Needham resident, retired anesthesiologist

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"We love having a little free library at ABCD. Throughout the day, I see our clients and other members of the community gravitating toward our library. They will look through all of the books to find ones that interest them. Sometimes we have to refill the library several times a week because people are always stopping by to get more books. We’ve also noticed an increase in community engagement. People will stop by and add books and flyers for local events into the little library."

-- Jenny Sugilio, Immigration Services Coordinator, ABCD Parker Hill/ Fenway NSC

"Our staff and Board loved working with Lisa and her team at Storytime Crafts. The LIbraries have been a wonderful addition to the Greater Ashmont Main Streets District. It's great to see neighbors, especially children grab books from the boxes."

-- Jeanne Dasaro, Executive Director, Greater Ashmont Main Street

 "We are so excited to have a little library in our community! It brings a smile to our faces whenever we see young kids and their parents excitedly picking books out of the little library. It is  proving to be a valuable resource for families in our neighborhood who may not have access to other reading materials during this isolating time. Looking forward to increased activity at the "library" this year!" 

-- Candice D. Gartley, Executive Director, All Dorchester Sports & Leadership

"I can’t tell you how grateful we are for all these gorgeous books!!! The staff is over the moon to have such beautiful, culturally appropriate books to offer our patients. Truly, it’s amazing! With deepest thanks for you and your partnership."

-- Molly Zucker, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, Boston Community Pediatrics

Hello Fellow Stakeholders, 

"Thank you so much for the hygiene kits. My co-teacher and I teach a cohort labeled as Multilingual SLIFE (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education). We have students from Afghanistan, Haiti, Brazil, Liberia, and Pakistan this year. The hygiene kits have allowed us to not only teach and talk about the importance of consistent hygiene practices, but also support them in meeting the needs of their changing bodies. 

     When my co-teacher and I conduct home visits, we always take the family a hygiene kit. Over the years we noticed that some of our families don't have soap in their bathrooms at the sink. Many of the families are living in a bedroom and sharing the bathroom/apartment with several other families. The items you all are donating has a direct impact for these families who aren't able to spend on these luxuries.
     Prior to this work, I didn't think of hand soap, deodorant, and laundry detergent as luxuries but they are for so many of our families. I say all of this to say that your donations are very much appreciated and are making a huge difference for our students. 

     If you have had or currently have a middle schooler then you know how important the items you're donating are for them. Thank you. مننه. Mèsi. Merci. Obrigada. متشکرم.

-- Nyree, Teacher, Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School, Dorchester

"As a community service organization, The Immigrant Family Services Institute strives to support the immigrant community in many ways. During the past few years, we have served many families daily, mostly newly arrived migrants in Massachusetts. Finding partners and organizations dedicated to supporting families and children is always a pleasure. It has been a pleasure to receive a generous donations from Storytime Crafts with some school/educational materials that have been a big help to the children and families we serve every day. Your donations here at IFSI are greatly appreciated by our families. Our heartfelt thanks go out to the Storytime Crafts."

-- Orpha Germain, Early Childhood Program Coordinator and Instructor, !mmigrant Family Services Institute 

"Who loves children’s books more than I do, well it’s Lisa. She shares her love of books and reading with my students at the Beethoven Elementary School. It’s her kindness that shines through and her willingness to want all children to love reading. Lisa brought books for our students, well over 1,000 books. I’ll never forget the smiles and excitement of the students choosing two books to take home. Our Kindness Projects were such a success with all the support we received from Storytime Crafts."   -- Margarite Mourkakos , School Librarian, Beethoven Elementary School, West Roxbury, MA 

"Congratulations to your continued success. Your accomplishments will ring in positive terms in the future, without which the present kids could not have grown into unexpected creative and powerful and constructive individuals. You are like Legos, helping to set one block at a time, fostering fantasy and imagination. Later on, if we are educators or just citizens, we benefit because of you."

-- Dietmar R. Winkler

Partners and Sponsors for Literacy:

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Storytime Crafts, Inc. 2019  --  Needham, MA 02494

Stoytime Crafts, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization.  TAX ID# 83-4336023


Storytime Crafts, Inc. does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

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